February has been a busy month; while short, we packed it with a lot of fun and some rest too. I hope these life updates help you, birth family, to get a sneak peak inside of our everyday life and get to know us on a less formal level.
We started off the month with another "snow/ice" storm in north Texas and I was not mad about it. There is truth to what they say about teachers being just as excited as students for school being out. I thought we would never see another snow day after virtual teaching through COVID; so I am glad that they still exist. We spent the week bingeing Netflix, doing puzzles and snuggling on the couch. Well, I guess I should say "I" spent the week because Colin works from home - no snow days for him!
Once everything dried up, we had a visit from "Uncle Brett" who is one of Colin's longest friends and we love when he comes to visit. We spent the weekend laughing a lot, eating sushi and going to our niece's 1st birthday. It is crazy how fast a year goes but we loved celebrating her. Colin and Brett got in on the fun and made flower bouquets, which was the amazing party favor. I got to continue the tradition by baking little c's smash cake (like I did for her older brother). Uncle Brett ended his visit by purchasing the crib for our nursery. He is always so generous and our future baby will be lucky to have a fun Uncle like him!
Next up was a weekend full of spending quality time with our nieces and nephews; all of them that live locally, at least. We kicked off Friday night with our traditional sleepover with Big C. We started the evening with dinner at Chuy's; I swear this kid loves Mexican more than we do (which is a high bar). After dinner, we came home and made a bonfire so that he could roast some marshmallows. While we waited, Colin told us some "-pooky" stories and we cuddled up around the fire. Then bedtime story and sleep for all, except me.
On Sunday, we cashed in our Christmas gift for R & r. We love to gift experiences and quality time over items and toys; namely because their grandparents spoil them enough with things. So we picked big R and little r up and took them to a fun afternoon at Dave & Busters. It had been a long time since either of us had been and boy was it overwhelming. We had lunch, walked around and looked at ALL the games before deciding which ones to play and spent 2 solid hours being kids again. Colin got to show off his mad basketball skills and gaming skills; the kids were less impressed with the basket tossing. Afterward, I wanted some ice cream so I used the kids as an excuse to go get Fro-Yo! All in all, I think the Christmas gift was a success because they asked for it EVERY year.
Lastly, I ended the month with some quality girl time with my mom and sister. My mom's birthday is in February and for the last few years have also gifted experiences and time together; rather than more junk to add to our homes. It really is nice to just take the time out of our busy lives and spend it together and sometimes trying something new; like making our own candles. I can neither confirm nor deny that each of us has a closet full of candles at our houses, but you can never really have too many candles. (Also included is a Valentines' Day photo when my mom dropped off gifts for us at work -- we are so spoiled by her and we know it.)
Needless to say, our February was full of love and those that we love the most. I hope this February you, too, were surrounded by love. Waiting with love - Christina